Monday, March 23, 2009


"So far, I think I do get his central thoughts, at least has he has expressed himself in the Preface and Introduction (and the first part of Chapter 1)."

Yes, although I'm far from done with this book and it may well yet surprise me, it does seem that once you've read the Preface and Intro you've gotten his message and he's simply expanding it thereafter.

I like to imagine this book as being narrated by John Cleese as I read.


1 comment:

kneel said...

I like the john Cleese idea.

I also think he is expanding on the main themes, but I also think there is something there in the details of the expansion. He seems to be exploring the implications of his message. At least that is what I seem to be teasing out (I hated that phrase when I was in the doc program, but somehow it seems to fit here).