Thursday, July 31, 2014

I thought this was a rather beautiful essay on the value of fiction. Beyond Life by James Cabell

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Walk About

There are some great lines, very lovely lines in this book. There are some great insights into the human condition: "people like to think that other people are totally unlike them-- but these differences are, in reality, for most functions, rather small." (p. 205) I loved the walks through NYC and Brussels. The layers of history which existed in both places just beneath the surface of the "modern" world. But, but, but it just kind of rambles along to a very rambling end. Most of the time I liked it,  but the sexual assualt accusation came out of nowhere (maybe I wasn't paying attention to the ramble that started the novel drifting toward that revelation) and the end ramble about the dying birds and the Statue of Liberty, must be some kind of significance which escapes me.

(July 27, 2014)

Patsy Cline-Walkin' After Midnight

How to Build a Universe That Doesn't Fall Apart Two Days Later by Philip K. Dick (1978)